(7850 Berryessa Knoxville Rd, Napa, CA 94558)
(7850 Berryessa Knoxville Rd, Napa, CA 94558)
Happy, Responsible & Resilient
Nagging, Yelling or Punishing
He Becomes Capable of Handling the Challenges
of The Young Adult World
550 West Hamilton Ave
Campbell, CA 95008
“My teen son was verbally aggressive, giving me the finger and thinking he did not have to do anything he didn’t want to. This behavior has largely disappeared, being replaced with cooperation and increasing personal responsibility. He has become open and caring.”
Alla Wood
“My son, Erik, is now 21 and proudly serving in the USAF - a confident, articulate, young man. Our whole family benefited from Erik's experience. I recommend YMUW to any young man who is entering manhood with uncertainty, apathy and fear about his future. The YMUW can help him determine his own compass for an Ultimate life!”
Susan Small
“My teen son was verbally aggressive, giving me the finger and thinking he did not have to do anything he didn’t want to. This behavior has largely disappeared, being replaced with cooperation and increasing personal responsibility. He has become open and caring.”
Alla Wood
“My son, Erik, is now 21 and proudly serving in the USAF - a confident, articulate, young man. Our whole family benefited from Erik's experience. I recommend YMUW to any young man who is entering manhood with uncertainty, apathy and fear about his future. The YMUW can help him determine his own compass for an Ultimate life!”
Susan Small
The Young Men’s Ultimate Weekend?
Nick B.– YMUW Graduate
Ryan A. – YMUW Graduate
“Everything I do revolves around the values gained from the YMUW. Today, my life is about what I can do for others. I have helped produce six Weekends and mentor young men daily."
Nick B.– YMUW Graduate
“I have learned what it means to be a balanced young man who contributes to society and how to keep learning to expand my world. Thank you YMUW and the men that give their time to it!”
Ryan A. – YMUW Graduate
For hundreds of thousands of years, parents had the help of community mentors to challenge, or arouse, our sons to discover, develop and master their healthy masculine wisdom.
This initiated the process for the sons to channel their energy into important physical and mental skills – skills that the clan needed, skills that were necessary for the tribe to survive and thrive.
Our sons are good kids but they’re at historically high risk for anxiety, irresponsibility, feeling entitled, struggling in school, disrespectful behaviors or succumbing to drug, alcohol or digital addiction.
What’s The Workshop Like?
In one transformational, “rite of passage” weekend, our mentors provide a safe setting for your son to reduce his anxiety about adulthood, develop leadership skills, practice cooperating with others, become more resilient and have outrageous fun.
In one transformational, “rite of passage” weekend, our mentors provide a safe setting for your son to reduce his anxiety about adulthood, develop leadership skills, practice cooperating with others, become more resilient and have outrageous fun.
you’ll receive my free report,
“The Secret for Helping Your Son Become More Mature and Independent
Without Anger or Anxiety”
What’s The Workshop Like?
In one transformational, “rite of passage” weekend, our mentors provide a safe setting for your son to reduce his anxiety about adulthood, develop leadership skills, practice cooperating with others, become more resilient and have outrageous fun.
In one transformational, “rite of passage” weekend, our mentors provide a safe setting for your son to reduce his anxiety about adulthood, develop leadership skills, practice cooperating with others, become more resilient and have outrageous fun.
you’ll receive my free report,
“The Secret for Helping Your Son Become More Mature and Independent
Without Anger or Anxiety”
“My son did the Weekend when he was 16 and it changed his life. He now has and honors a family of his own.”
Lori Murray
Mostly what I sensed was a lightness of heart, as though a weight had been lifted from him. I wanted to say thank you. There is a great need for your work and effort.”
Suzanne Patrikus
“My son attending this Weekend was the best decision I have ever made AND stood by! It is absolutely amazing what the YMUW does in two nights to change the lives of these young men.”
Joyce Wong Calvi
“We should be investing in male rites of passage like this one to grow healthy young men. Mark Schillinger and his team are doing great work…in the Bay Area.
Everado Pedraza
“The parent rite of passage taught us parenting skills that need to be used in today’s current world in which our sons are growing up in. It takes a community to raise a teen and Mark will guide you how to make it happen for you.”
Brad Brown, Father
“The parent rite of passage exceeded my expectations and the information and techniques at the workshop were practical. I especially enjoyed connecting with other parents and realizing that I’m not on this parenting journey alone.”
Marie Gaffney, Mother
While your son is attending the YMUW, we highly recommend that all parents participate in a live event and on an online course. These two activities have helped parents just like you enjoy more caring and cooperative relationships with their spouse and son.
1. The Ultimate Parent Weekend - an in-person rite of passage for parents which will initiate you into a new, more effective way of parenting your son. This rare, live event will show you how to masterfully mentor your son so that he can calmly, clearly and confidently handle his transition from boyhood to adulthood.
2. Online Parenting Course - a course that will teach you how to more effectively use your authority and influence with your son in a way that minimizes conflict and maximizes cooperation. You’ll learn a new method of parenting teens that will foster the healthy development of your son’s emotional intelligence, whether your son is an extrovert or introvert, over-empowered or under-driven, overconfident or unwilling, entitled or indifferent.
The in-person rite of passage and the online course are led by Dr. Mark Schillinger, YMUW Founder, and YMUW Elder, Bill Falk. Together, they’ll mentor you so that you’ll be able to skillfully guide your son in a way that will motivate him to become more cooperative inside of your home, more responsible outside of your home, more confident of himself and more relaxed with the world.
Their original method of parenting, The RIGHT Way for Family Unity, integrates practical ancestral wisdom from small tribes, and combines it with the best insight from the sciences of positive discipline, stress management, adolescent brain development, personal growth and parent-child bonding.
Important Note: Your son may be suffering from the anxiety and stress of being overly attached to his digital devices and consistently having to handle school responsibilities.
Our system of mentoring young men will provide you with a clear roadmap that will allow him to overcome these obstacles. By using this method, you’ll be able to confidently lead your son in the right direction.
It’s been our experience that when parents and their sons are using the same technology that encourages shared values like respect, cooperation and resilience, they have a much higher probability that they’ll achieve the true family unity they desire.
That said, it is not a requirement that you attend this workshop in order for your son to participate in the YMUW. We have an open-door policy, so if parents change their mind when they drop off their sons at the YMUW, they can still attend!
Good To Know: Lisa Ling also praised the events Dr. Mark leads for parents as well as her support for the YMUW
“The parent rite of passage taught us parenting skills that need to be used in today’s current world in which our sons are growing up in. It takes a community to raise a teen and Mark will guide you how to make it happen for you.”
Brad Brown, Father
“The parent rite of passage exceeded my expectations and the information and techniques at the workshop were practical. I especially enjoyed connecting with other parents and realizing that I’m not on this parenting journey alone.”
Marie Gaffney, Mother
Lori Murray
I wanted to say thank you. There is a great need for your work and effort.”
Suzanne Patrikus
Joyce Wong Calvi
Everado Pedraza
Our workshop is small enough to be a safe place where everyone can reveal their highs and lows of parenting and can share their wisdom. We will all work together as a tribal “clan”, or village, by respecting each other’s insight and resources. This way we all contribute to each parent’s efforts to ensure that all of us have a productive and loving relationship with our sons.
What’s The Workshop Like?
No one has ever told me this workshop is boring! This “boot – camp” style workshop is a rite of passage initiation where parents learn how to let go of their “boy” so that their son can trust them to confidently guide him to be successful on his own.
This no-nonsense workshop is insightful, exciting, soulful, revealing, practical, relaxing, intense and filled with tips & techniques you can use immediately with your son. It includes ceremonies, discussions, discourse, role playing and, most importantly, lots of humor.
When necessary, we dive into the most difficult problems parents and sons face and then offer the specific solutions that have been proven to work with our community of parents.
you’ll receive my free report,
“The Secret for Helping Your Son Become More Mature and Independent
Without Anger or Anxiety”
Learn How to Mentor Your Son So the Lessons He Learns at The YMUW Becomes Permanent
Motivate Your Son More Effectively - Without Nagging or Yelling
The in-person rite of passage and the online course are led by Dr. Mark Schillinger, YMUW Founder, and past YMUW President, David Bohegian. Together, they’ll mentor you so that you’ll be able to skillfully guide your son in a way that will motivate him to become more cooperative inside of your home, more responsible outside of your home, more confident of himself and more relaxed with the world.
Their original method of parenting, The RIGHT Way for Family Unity, integrates
practical ancestral wisdom from small tribes, and combines it with the best insight from the sciences of positive discipline, stress management, adolescent brain development, personal growth and parent-child bonding.
Important Note: Your son may be suffering from the anxiety and stress of being overly attached to his digital devices and consistently having to handle school responsibilities.
Our system of mentoring young men will provide you with a clear roadmap that will allow him to overcome these obstacles. By using this method, you’ll be able to confidently lead your son in the right direction.
Is It Mandatory That Parents Participate?
to Become Happy, Responsible and Resilient
I want you to know, after years of working with parents and sons, that it is never too late to be able to enjoy a great relationship with your son, no matter what is going on right now.
My teenage son and daughter taught me that my "old school" methods of parenting were not working. Yelling, "Because I said so" or threatening them with punishments, did not get them to do anything. Instead, it only further alienated them from me.
Of course, I loved them more than anything in life and wanted nothing more than to be close to them. Being rejected by my own teen children was really painful.
It felt like my son, Gabe, was standing on a ship that was sailing out of the harbor and I was on the dock, helpless to stop him as he further withdrew from me. I felt like I was an embarrassment in my community because my family life wasn’t working - even though we all loved each other.
and Find out Where to Start
You'll learn how a digital society doesn’t provide enough support for our sons, why you need to transition from being a parent to become more like a mentor, and ways to calmly and confidently “challenge” or mindfully “arouse” your son to become more responsible for his own well-being.
GI. Wells, Mother
Dave Bohegian, Father
carefully controlled the use of digital devices by their children
They knew how technology would prevent their children from experiencing the normal process of brain assimilation, integration and implementation of information.
When an adolescent brain follows this evolutionary progression, that teenager will make mistakes, but will eventually learn to successfully adapt to its environment.
It’s not our fault that we, as parents, weren’t given a clear road map how to guide our families to a healthy adaption process when these new technologies were thrust into our lives.
to Become Happy, Responsible and Resilient
I want you to know, after years of working with parents and sons, that it is never too late to be able to enjoy a great relationship with your son, no matter what is going on right now.
Happy, Responsible & Resilient
Nagging, Yelling or Punishing
He Becomes Capable of Handling the Challenges
of The Young Adult World
550 West Hamilton Ave
Campbell, CA 95008
When I use the word, “challenge”, I mean that children had been skillfully “aroused” by their community to discover their masculine or feminine intelligence, as well as their personal wisdom. The children were given a lifestyle that led them to become more responsible inside of their home, more resilient outside of their home and more relaxed with themselves and with the world.
I’ll teach you how to reduce the energy drain of parenting your son and increase the energy gain from mentoring your young man. You’ll learn the secrets of successfully motivating your young man to channel his energy so that he can:
you’ll receive my free report,
“The Secret for Helping Your Son Become More Mature and Independent
Without Anger or Anxiety”
become more responsible inside of the home, more resilient outside of the home and more
relaxed with himself and with the world.
you regain his trust.
Your doubts have created frustration and sadness with some of you. Some of you have “given up” on your efforts to help your son individuate from you, in a healthy way.
It’s Never Too Late
Whether or not the rest of the 70% of young men may have ADHD, learning disabilities, an indifferent attitude, childhood trauma, anxiety or depression, they are all neurologically wired to be competitive and skillful enough to know how to take care of themselves.
Using our method, The RIGHT Way for Family Unity, I’ll show you how to overcome the external and internal conditions that prevent your son from tapping into his innate biological wisdom - the source of his drive to succeed.
As a researcher in family dynamics, I know the ultimate biological goal of a parent is to go to their deathbed knowing that their children have learned how to successfully adapt to life’s challenges.
1) you’ll have earned the self-respect you need to call yourself an excellent parent
2) you’ll have earned the respect you desire from your community and the esteemed status that it brings
I assure that your children will know that you gave them your very best efforts to help them be happy, responsible and resilient. They will thank you as they go through life with the skills and confidence that they need.
This system recognizes there is no one right way for parents to have a successful marriage, a cooperative divorce or raise resilient, happy children. The method quickly helps the parents find a Way that is right for them, so they can confidently lead their teenage son to enjoy a life filled with positive beliefs and productive behaviors.
This new method of parenting, created by me 20 years ago, uses the practical tribal wisdom from small clans and combines it with the best insight from the sciences of positive discipline, stress management, adolescent brain development, personal growth and parental bonding.
Without a “Way” to move their life and family in the right direction, parents become anxious and fearful about the future and may act out their concerns with inappropriate behaviors.
Although parents do the best they can to help their teenage sons prepare for the future, their sons often blame them for not showing them how to calmly and clearly handle their transition from boyhood to adulthood.
What Does R.I.G.H.T Stand For?
RIGHT is an acronym for 5 virtues and values that I hold in the highest regard as pillars of harmonious families:
Respect -- esteeming with reverence
Intelligence -- applying intuition and experience into wisdom
Grace -- engaging in heart-full acts of courage and courtesy
Humor -- celebrating with amusement and gratitude
True -- living life with integrity
Imagine a Calm, Productive Home
I know it seems too good to be true that five words can help you and your son remember how much you love and need each other. If you commit to using them the way I show you in the workshop, you can expect to see more cooperation in everybody's behavior almost immediately!
3 Main Benefits of The RIGHT Way Method
1) You’ll be able to calmly, clearly, concisely and confidently activate your son’s natural biological wisdom, which is what will “challenge”, or motivate him to become responsible for his own happiness and success out in the world.
2) You’ll know how to more skillfully use your authority and your influence without conflict, even if your son forgets what you tell him or uses digital devices as a way to avoid cooperating with you.
3) You’ll enjoy more peace and love in your home.
NOTE: The method works whether your son is an extrovert or introvert, over-empowered or under-driven, over confident or unwilling, entitled or indifferent.
The Bottom Line
The RIGHT Way method will be like a personal mentor to you. It will show you how to raise your children using your instincts and communal driven tribal wisdom as the way to minimize the negative effects of the modern consumer driven customs of commercialism and digital dominance.
in a biological – not psychological – language that he can understand.
By activating your son’s own masculine wisdom
you’ll become the parents he needs you to be...
...a trusted life-long mentor that he is always loyal to.
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Here are their most common questions and doubts, as well as my responses.
This workshop is like a modern rite of passage initiation for parents, where you learn how to use my proven, ‘RIGHT Way of Family Unity’ method. This “Way” shows you how to confidently translate your healthy parental instincts into effective communication and motivational techniques with your son.
This new method of parenting, created 20 years ago, uses the practical ancestral wisdom from small clans and combines it with the best insight from the sciences of positive discipline, stress management, adolescent brain development, personal growth and parental bonding.
By learning this up-to-date way of parenting teens, you’ll know how to “challenge” your son to become more responsible inside of the home, more resilient outside of the home and more relaxed with himself and with the world.
One family I worked with - like all of the other parents I work with - said their 17 year old son was a great kid but they were concerned that he was withdrawing from them, and that he was unconcerned about becoming more responsible for taking care of himself. He was not taking any initiative to become more independent.
After a few months of working together with the parents and their son (who also attended YMUW), I received this email that was sent to me by the parents while their son was away visiting his grandmother:
Mark, here’s what my mother emailed me:
“What a difference a few months can make. Our grandson is a wholly different person. We very much enjoy being with him. He's funny, engaging and he takes the initiative to speak.
Last night our neighbors brought supper. They all enjoyed him and couldn't stop raving about him. I guess all the work that you've put into him has paid off. Congratulations!”
The email ended with the mom saying to me in Caps: “THANK YOU, Mark.”
When you have a specific “way” that calmly “challenges” your son to activate his own biological wisdom, someday he’ll thank you for having an organized system for helping him take better care of himself.
I’ve listened to thousands of young men talk about their parents. They know you love them and they believe that you can’t help them in their transition into adulthood because you overly react to their instinctual, impulsive and often, immature behavior.
Since I specialize in stress management, I’ve shown thousands of patients how to immediately convert their “fight or flight” reactions into positive responses based on their true values. At the workshop I’ll show you how to use simple and powerful mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques to calm yourself right in front of your son or spouse.
As you become more adept at this important energy-saving skill, your son will be way more open to your knowledge, because you’ve earned his respect.
As a kid, my mind and body operated in a way that would now be called, attention deficit hyper-active disorder. Back in the day, there was no term like ADHD. The “street diagnosis” labeled it as, “fidgeting”. No one taught me how to adapt to the demands of daily life with the kind of brain I had.
When I was raising my son, Gabe, I often became anxious when we disagreed and then I would yell, which only made the growing gap between us even wider. In a short time, I was able to master the simple stress management techniques and that’s what started to move my relationship with Gabe in a healthier and happier direction for both of us.
Here’s an email I received from a mother who attended the workshop with her husband and whose son attended the YMUW:
“Things are generally more peaceful around the house. Thank you!! We still get into it here and there, but it does not last as long and we apologize to each other faster.
Our son has been upbeat, kind, chill and even just got done cleaning the bathtub for me! I did not ask, he just volunteered. The other day he offered to buy me something from the coffee shop using a gift card that he received at Christmas. So sweet!!!
Thank you!
Whether you are the mother or father, when you remain relaxed, you demonstrate to your son that you have the main “alpha” quality required for him to trust you: calmness.
In this workshop you’ll learn that the secret to inspiring your son to became a happy and responsible teenager is to know how to foster his personal growth while skillfully using your authority and influence.
The method does use consequences - not punishments - as a way to teach your son how to be better prepared for the challenges of adulthood. Ultimately, the method avoids unnecessary psychological over – analysis by keeping you focused on you focused on your ability to channel your son’s natural instinctual desire to live a meaningful and fulfilled life.
This text literally came to me from a mother the next day after attending the parent workshop:
When you know how to help your son discover what his personal values are and how to turn his qualities into positive beliefs and productive behaviors, he’ll always be loyal to you.
However, It’s unrealistic to expect your household to become less stressful and more cooperative just by having your son attend the YMUW. By attending the workshop you’ll know how to support the natural individuation process of your son.
When you learn the same technology that your son learns at the YMUW, the entire family will enjoy an immediate improvement in their relationships.
Throughout the workshop, Rochelle Newman (relationship coach for 30+ years) teaches divorced parents how to reunify their relationship with their former spouses so that their children receive the best benefits from masculine and feminine wisdom.
However, if both parents are not willing to work together for the benefit of their son, the technology that we teach at the workshop is effective with your son even if only one parent knows how to use it.
If you attend the workshop as a single parent, you’ll earn greater respect from yourself knowing that you are giving your best effort to guide your son into young adulthood.
By fulfilling your biological obligation to guide your son into adulthood, your son will notice and appreciate that you know how to be a loving and trust-worthy mentor for him – even though he won’t tell you this!
and Find out Where to Start
In the early 1970’s, I was determined to dedicate my life’s purpose to helping people be physically healthy, mentally clear, emotionally calm, and spiritually happy. I’m humbled and ecstatic to report that for the last 40 years, all of my efforts have been successfully focused on this mission!
It felt like Gabe was standing on a ship that was sailing out of the harbor and we were on the dock, just helplessly watching him leave.
It felt like Gabe was standing on a ship that was sailing out of the harbor and we were on the dock, just helplessly watching him leave.
That’s when I decided to devote the rest of my life to doing whatever it took to completely heal my family’s wounds. My first step was to start the non-profit, “Young Men’s Ultimate Weekend” rite of passage wilderness adventure camp.
I founded YMUW for two reasons:
1) as an initiation to the process of restoring a cooperative relationship between parents and their sons
2) as a way to help young men become more resilient and more responsible for their own well-being
In 2000, at age 16, Gabe attended the very first YMUW along with 205 other young men.
In 2006, I travelled To Kenya, Africa and learned from a Samburu tribe elder how families work together and how they initiate their sons. My experience in Africa made me realize that modern day parents instinctively possess the intelligence necessary to parent effectively, but they need to learn how to apply our ancestral tribal wisdom in an era of overwhelming stress and digital dominance.
YMUW is proud to say that we’ve now produced 45 Ultimate Weekends on the West Coast with approximately 3500 young men graduates.
As a father, I’m humbled, thrilled and thankful to tell you that I now can celebrate the fact that I enjoy an ideal relationship between Gabe (now 35 years old) and myself. Both of us love playing music together, so in 2007 we opened a professional recording studio together in our hometown of San Rafael, CA.
Gabe is now a successful hip-hop producer. Along with his production team, Gabe has made beats for some of the biggest names in the recording industry. He recently opened up a second studio in Hollywood.
Most importantly, I’ve been able to pass along all of the wisdom I know he’ll need to be able to take good care of himself and the rest of our family.
I know that I’m able to possess the remarkable energy it takes to serve others because of the unwavering love and support from my family.
My daughter, Becca, (38) graduated from the California College of the Arts and happily works for a company that teaches people how to create art and crafts. She and I stay connected by regularly sharing our feelings about life, love and beauty while we take her dogs for a walk.
My former wife, Suzanne Alfandari, LMFT, and I, are the closest of friends and lovingly co-parent our children. We teach a workshop together to show separated or divorced parents how to set aside their own painful emotions and learn how to effectively share their values with their kids.
My romantic partner, Rochelle, and I, have been blessed to have so easily blended our two families together. Rochelle and I have great fun teaching the parent workshops together. Best of all for me, Suzanne and Rochelle have a great relationship and enjoy spending quality time together, usually away from me!
Which Will Help You Implement What You’ve Learned
At this workshop, Rochelle and I do our best to keep all of the tips, techniques and scripts as simple as possible so that you can apply them immediately.
However, I’ve learned from the busy parents who attend the workshop that they need follow up educational materials to keep them inspired and motivated to continue moving their family in the right direction.
Therefore, when you attend the workshop you’ll receive the following educational materials:
Of Parenting Experts
Dr. Mark often brings together a panel of parenting experts at the annual New Living Expoin San Francisco. Dr. Mark leads the panel to provide real life solutions to handle the toughest
issues parents face. These CDs bring together the wisdom of talented professionals who have
years of experience helping parents to effectively use their authority and influence.
Video DVDs
Dr. Mark is a public speaker, making presentations about parenting in a variety of settings.These DVDs capture Dr. Mark educating parents in the manner he’s most comfortable doing - live,
in front of parents who need practical solutions to their most difficult issues in raising their children.
A dynamic speaker, his workshops are educational and entertaining, keeping his audiences
laughing and learning.
Drawing on his proven RIGHT Way® method for achieving family unity, Dr. Mark shows parents how to model their values and nurture the values of the their children, resulting in families who want to stay connected their entire lives.
*You'll Also Receive These 2 E-Books At No Charge*
For the past forty five years I’ve engaged in extensive research and world travel to become knowledgeable in the sciences of personal growth, stress management, parent bonding, positive discipline and brain science. I’ve combined the best teachings from those fields with the insight I’ve gained from studying tribal wisdom.
The result of that synthesis with my own experience working with thousands of young men has been the creation of the RIGHT Way for Family Unity method. This practical and proven method will save you countless hours of time, thousands of dollars, and a life time of diligent effort in order to learn how to fulfill your desire of being a more effective parent.
These educational materials will keep you focused on remaining calm, concise, clear and confident when you work together with your son to have a more cooperative relationship.
These educational materials will keep you focused on remaining calm, concise, clear and confident when you work together with your son in order to have a more caring and cooperative relationship.
Young Man & Boy