I’ve listened to thousands of young men talk about their parents. They know you love them and they believe that you can’t help them in their transition into adulthood because you overly react to their instinctual, impulsive and often, immature behavior.
Since I specialize in stress management, I’ve shown thousands of patients how to immediately convert their “fight or flight” reactions into positive responses based on their true values. At the workshop I’ll show you how to use simple and powerful mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques to calm yourself right in front of your son or spouse.
As you become more adept at this important energy-saving skill, your son will be way more open to your knowledge, because you’ve earned his respect.
As a kid, my mind and body operated in a way that would now be called, attention deficit hyper-active disorder. Back in the day, there was no term like ADHD. The “street diagnosis” labeled it as, “fidgeting”. No one taught me how to adapt to the demands of daily life with the kind of brain I had.
When I was raising my son, Gabe, I often became anxious when we disagreed and then I would yell, which only made the growing gap between us even wider. In a short time, I was able to master the simple stress management techniques and that’s what started to move my relationship with Gabe in a healthier and happier direction for both of us.
Here’s an email I received from a mother who attended the workshop with her husband and whose son attended the YMUW:
“Things are generally more peaceful around the house. Thank you!! We still get into it here and there, but it does not last as long and we apologize to each other faster.
Our son has been upbeat, kind, chill and even just got done cleaning the bathtub for me! I did not ask, he just volunteered. The other day he offered to buy me something from the coffee shop using a gift card that he received at Christmas. So sweet!!!
Thank you!
Whether you are the mother or father, when you remain relaxed, you demonstrate to your son that you have the main “alpha” quality required for him to trust you: calmness.